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- /*
- History javascript
- --------------------------------
- A poor attempt to keep all history functions here
- */
- var PFFTempHistoryObject = new XML();
- var pffDebugTempHistObject = [];
- //TODO: Make more generic for re-use!!
- performancingUtil.prototype.loadHistoryXMLFile = function(){
- var file = gPerformancingUtil.getHistoryXMLFile();
- var f2 = PerFormancingFileIO.open(file.path);
- var theXMLString = null;
- if(f2.exists()){
- theXMLString = PerFormancingFileIO.read(file, "UTF-8");
- var theHistoryXML = new XML(theXMLString);
- return theHistoryXML;
- }else{
- //dump('PerFormancing XML File does not exists!');
- return false;
- }
- }
- //TODO: Make more generic for use with Notes!
- performancingUtil.prototype.getHistoryXMLFile = function(){
- var file = PerFormancingDirIO.get("ProfD");
- file.append("extensions");
- file.append('performancing_history.xml');
- return file;
- }
- performancingUtil.prototype.addHistoryItemToEditor = function(theElement){
- /*
- Todo:
- - Load Content
- - Load Subject
- - Load Categories
- - Display 'Publish as New' and 'Publish as Edit'
- */
- var thePostID = theElement.getAttribute("postid");
- var theDateCreated = theElement.getAttribute("date");
- var histFile = gPerformancingUtil.loadHistoryXMLFile();
- var theBlogXML = new XML(histFile);
- pffDebugTempHistObject = theBlogXML;
- try{
- //dump("The Read History XML: " + theBlogXML..entry + '\n' + "aPostId to get:" + thePostID + '\n')
- var theEntry = theBlogXML..entry.(postid == thePostID );
- //Now load everything
- //First Focus the Source
- var tabbox = document.getElementById("performancing-editor-tabbox");
- //tabbox.selectedIndex = 1;
- //convert back to html
- var theContent = theEntry.content.toString();
- theContent = theContent.replace(/</gi, "<");
- theContent = theContent.replace(/>/gi, ">");
- /*
- //Then Load the contents
- var winPreview = document.getElementById("performancing-preview-display");
- //winPreview.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = theContent;
- document.getElementById("performancing-message-source").value = theContent;
- performancingMidas.syncNormalTab();
- */
- //var tabbox = document.getElementById("performancing-editor-tabbox");
- if(tabbox.selectedIndex == 0 || tabbox.selectedIndex == 2){//Rich or preview
- var winNormal = document.getElementById("performancing-message");
- winNormal.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = theContent;
- }else if(tabbox.selectedIndex == 1){ //Source
- document.getElementById("performancing-message-source").value = theContent;
- }else{
- //PerFormancing Error: Could not find Note content, please contact the author
- var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('nonotecontent', []);
- alert(localeString);
- }
- var winPreview = document.getElementById("performancing-preview-display");
- //winPreview.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML = theContent;
- document.getElementById("performancing-message-source").value = theContent;
- performancingMidas.syncNormalTab();
- //Then Load the Title
- var theTitle = theEntry.title.toString();
- document.getElementById("performancing-editor-subject").value = theTitle;
- //Load the categories
- var tempArray = theEntry.categories.split(",");
- gPerformancingUtil.setCategoriesSidebar(tempArray, false);
- //Show Republish button and set attributes
- var pubButton = document.getElementById("performancing-republish-button");
- var editButtons = document.getElementById("post-edit-buttons");
- pubButton.setAttribute("lastpostid", thePostID);
- pubButton.setAttribute("datecreated", theDateCreated);
- editButtons.hidden = false;
- return true;
- }catch(e){
- //alert("History Error: " + e);
- return true;
- }
- }
- performancingUtil.prototype.clearHistoryXMLFile = function(){
- var file = gPerformancingUtil.getHistoryXMLFile();
- var theXMLFile = null;
- var theBlogXML = null;
- //Doesn't exist, so let's create it.
- if(!file.exists()){
- //dump('Creating HISTORY file: \n');
- theBlogXML = <historylist>
- <list></list>
- </historylist>;
- PFFTempHistoryObject = theBlogXML;
- PerFormancingFileIO.create(file);
- var rv = PerFormancingFileIO.write(file, theBlogXML.toString(), "w", "UTF-8");
- if(!rv) {
- var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('cannotwritetofile', []);
- alert(localeString);
- }
- }else if(file.exists()){
- var theXMLFile = PerFormancingFileIO.open(file.path);
- theBlogXML = <historylist>
- <list></list>
- </historylist>;
- PFFTempHistoryObject = theBlogXML;
- var newWrite = PerFormancingFileIO.write(file, theBlogXML.toString(), "w", "UTF-8");
- if(!newWrite) {
- var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('cannotwritetofile', []);
- alert(localeString);
- }
- }
- }
- performancingUtil.prototype.setHistoryXML = function(thePostID, theContent, theTitle, theCategories, theDateCreated){
- //PFFTempHistoryObject
- PFFTempHistoryObject.list.entry +=
- <entry>
- <postid>{thePostID}</postid>
- <content>{theContent}</content>
- <title>{theTitle}</title>
- <categories>{theCategories}</categories>
- <datecreated>{theDateCreated}</datecreated>
- </entry>;
- }
- //TODO: Make more generic for use with Notes!
- //gPerformancingUtil.saveHistoryXMLFile(thePostID, theContent, theTitle, theCategories, theDateCreated);
- performancingUtil.prototype.saveHistoryXMLFile = function(){
- //We need to get this from a file and theBlogXML = new XML(theFilesStringContents);
- var file = gPerformancingUtil.getHistoryXMLFile();
- if(file.exists()){
- var theXMLFile = PerFormancingFileIO.open(file.path);
- //var theXMLString = PerFormancingFileIO.read(theXMLFile, "UTF-8");
- //theBlogXML = new XML(theXMLString);
- /*theBlogXML = <historylist>
- <list></list>
- </historylist>;
- */
- //The Content for each Blog
- /*theBlogXML.list.entry +=
- <entry>
- <postid>{thePostID}</postid>
- <content>{theContent}</content>
- <title>{theTitle}</title>
- <categories>{theCategories}</categories>
- <datecreated>{theDateCreated}</datecreated>
- </entry>;*/
- //Write to file (save changes)
- var newWrite = PerFormancingFileIO.write(file, PFFTempHistoryObject.toString(), "w", "UTF-8");
- PFFTempHistoryObject = null;
- if(!newWrite) {
- var localeString = performancingUI.getLocaleString('cannotwritetofile', []);
- alert(localeString);
- }
- return true;
- }else{
- return false;
- }
- }